Shift in being

A hero’s journey.

The only way to reach a state of being never experienced before, or dared, is to reprogram and expand the source code you are running on.

A hero’s journey.

What you need to know

  • We are and we act, according to what we think, feel, and believe. Our mindset.
  • The mindset we operate with determines whether we realize success or fall short when pursuing a specific personal or professional goal, outcome, or result that matters to us.
  • The only way to reach an extraordinary outcome never before dared is to reprogram and expand the source code we are running on, our mindset. The mind is infinitely expandable. 
  • While personal transformation is within the capacity of every human, few choose to demonstrate the capability.
  • It’s the only path forward for those who reach the disturbing realization that who they currently are, how they think, what they feel, and how they act is a real obstacle to becoming who they intend to become, and who they are meant to be.
  • It’s the painful and determined act of purposely disintegrating one’s existing and expired identity to consciously rebuild and reintegrate into a new identity and a form of being more aligned with the destiny one chooses to pursue.
  • Like every treacherous and adventurous journey, that of the reinvention of the Self is better traveled with the help of a guide who is familiar with the terrain, can carry the torch, and shed light on the path forward.

The architecture of our reality

We are, we become, and we experience what we think and what we feel.

Our identity, the world we create for ourselves, and the lives we choose to experience—our self-concept—are a reflection of the thoughts and emotions we harbor in our minds. Our mindset. 

Our mindset is a function of our genetics, early development, and life experiences. It is made up of a unique set of inherited and acquired beliefs, principles, sense perceptions, values, behaviors, thinking patterns, emotions, neurobiological wirings, personality traits, attitudes, and embodied habits that we identify with and automatically lead from in our daily lives. It is our operating system, hardwired into our subconscious mind during the early childhood years and reinforced throughout our lives through repetitive actions and reactions. 

What is inside dictates what is outside.

Mindsets form our personalities and our identities as we know them. They push us forward in life, help us navigate, and make us who we become. In so doing, they condition the shape our journeys take, how far and wide we travel, and the quality of the experience. 

The mindset we operate with determines whether we realize success or fall short when pursuing a specific personal or professional goal, outcome, or result that matters to us. If the outcome is within our “mindsight” the resistance to reaching the goal will be minimal, and the chances of success higher. 

The further removed our goals tend to be from our current mindset and programming, the more daring and dangerous the undertaking, the more change we seek to bring into our lives, the more uncertain the process, the riskier the outcome; and the more misalignment and resistance we create between what we want at the conscious level and the subconscious patterns, beliefs, behaviors, habits and programs that are running in the background. 

When we only believe what we see, we end up seeing only what we believe.

The only way to reach a state of being never before experienced, or dared, is to reprogram and expand the source code we are running on.

Mindsets are infinitely expandable. But knowing so, does not make it so.

Many dwellers and few architects

While personal transformation is within the capacity of every human, few choose to demonstrate the capability. Most mortals dwell in the constructs of their mindset and establish permanent residence within its confines, without questioning the overall purpose or quality of the design. More than dwelling in it, those that question, become architects of their reality. 

More than occasional self-care, periodic self-help, motivational hacks, and seasonal therapy to unravel one’s past and analyze one’s evolving story, personal transformation is the painful and determined act of purposely disintegrating one’s existing and expired identity to consciously build and step into a new identity and a form of being more aligned with the destiny they choose to pursue. The process allows one to radically change their life's narrative, and rewrite the script of their epic saga instead of tweaking a few lines. More than everyday growth and change, true personal transformation is a radical restructuring of our sense of self, and our purpose and place in the world. 

It all starts by questioning the status quo and disrupting the way we think, feel, and act concerning anything, anyone, and everything. From a place of inquiry, we become open to learning and integrating new information about the algorithms of our inner workings and how they shape the relationships we form with ourselves and the outer world. It's akin to an archaeological dig into the deepest layers of our psyche, unearthing the fossils of past beliefs and behaviors, and realizing a dimension within oneself that transcends common perceptions. More than applying “suppressive” Band-Aids to emotional wounds; it's about fostering an integrative healing process involving body, mind, and spirit that affects every cell, thought, and action, thereby creating a radically different and infinitely more rewarding life experience.

A process of practice and repetition turns newly integrated learning into new habits of being and leads to the gradual embodiment of a new identity. 

The ultimate reward is not to overcome a time-bound mental hurdle to reach a specific outcome in everyday life, it’s to operate permanently from a world of abundance and infinite possibilities, with faith in life’s overarching outcome: The fulfillment of your highest potential.

It appears as an impossible task for the resigned multitude and becomes the only path forward for those who reached the disturbing realization that who they currently are, how they think, what they feel, and how they act, is a real obstacle to becoming who they intend to be, to manifesting their life’s calling, to fulfilling their destiny, and to living their dreams. 

If you were a caterpillar, munching away happily on leaves, the idea of transforming into a butterfly naturally terrifies you. It is only when you run out of leaves to feed on, that you start craving wings that transport you to new pastures. 

Like every treacherous and adventurous journey, that of the reinvention of the Self is better traveled with the help of a guide that is familiar with the terrain, can hold the torch, and shed light on the path forward: A “wayshower”.

The power of mindset coaching

Mindset work is a lifelong individual journey of inquiry, learning, and growth. The more work we do, the more we become. The job of a mindset coach is to accelerate the unfolding of the natural process of personal development and refinement of the human experience.

Most coaching approaches bypass the challenging and at times painful aspects of making lasting changes to entrenched patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion. They also avoid talking about spirit, soul, the heart’s intelligence, and the potential of our highest selves. They don't recognize that when it comes to real transformation, it’s a healing journey that connects us with our wholeness and innate brilliance and capacity, rather than a frenzied rush to fix what is broken.

If your mindset is a well-worn map with pathways you tread automatically, a mindset coach doesn't just offer you a new route to consider; they help redesign the entire map and align it with your ultimate destination. The coach serves as your guide through the lesser-known trails of your mental and emotional terrain. They become the cartographer of your consciousness, helping you unearth questions and realities you've long sidestepped or ignored. The objective isn't merely hitting particular milestones; it's morphing you into a continually adaptive being.

The process is both an inward odyssey and an outward expansion, resembling the double helix of a DNA strand—twisting, turning, yet always aligned with its essence. The mindset coach is not just a bystander in this journey; they serve a dual role, acting as both a mirror and a compass. Like a mirror, they reflect your true self, cutting through self-deception and false narratives. This allows you to see your genuine thoughts, feelings, and intentions in a clarifying light. As a compass, they guide you toward uncharted territories of your mind and life, pointing you in the direction of your higher Self. They can uproot your assumptions about the world and your place in it and help you identify more direct paths to achieving your ideal outcome. They ensure that your journey is not just a wanderlust but a purposeful path to a personal revolution.

Because mindset coaches have the tools to gain deep insight and understanding of the way you think, feel, and show up in the world, they are easily able to apply techniques designed to shift and expand your mind and transform your life.

Show up.

Commit to a once in a lifetime journey. Go beyond every day change and stretch beyond incremental improvements. Embody a radical shift in being and operate from a place of infinite possibilities.

Apply to the program

Show up.

Commit to a once in a lifetime journey. Go beyond every day change and stretch beyond incremental improvements. Embody a radical shift in being and operate from a place of infinite possibilities.
